Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Holiday Adieus

Welcome 2013!! I am starting this year majorly in debt, pathetically single, and overly optimistic. Crossing my fingers that my optimism will take wing and make all my dreams come true! I spent the holiday with my huge family and it was a blast! I loved our conversations, how loud it was (singing games and dance parties!), and the opportunity we had to just be together and relax in a loving environment. Here are some clips from the season!

My nephew Phoenix. Such a chill & sweet baby. I love him!!

Bethlehem dinner on Xmas eve. The whole clan in our Nauvoo house!

Ashley and Poco. :)

Me and two of my sisters Amy & Ashley ready to go shopping!

My gingerbread house!

Poco consoling me as I lay sick on Christmas Eve. :(

Christmas day fun!

I love my sisters twins Jackson and Jocelyn. Cute chubsters :)

I had to add this... she was determined to eat her crackers even though my
arm was in the way. Atta girl!

I love my family! They are all gone now, and I have a few days to regain my energy before I go back to school and begin my crazy schedule. Wish me luck on auditions!

xoxo RKE

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Love is Eternal

I am a hopeless romantic. I squeal when a pair finally kiss in the movies, and clutch my heart when I see an old wrinkled couple hold hands in the park. I dream about the day when I meet the one person I will be with for the rest of my life, how our conversations will be, and the moments we'll have as we watch the sunset.
I may be young, but I've gotten a taste of how real love actually is. It comes when you least expect it. It captures your heart even when you say no, and it is gone before you have the chance to realize you were holding magic. I had been waiting and waiting for a love so perfect, that I wouldn't let myself love imperfectly. I can't tell you how many times I wrote love letters but never sent them. I held my heart in a cage for a long time because what was unfolding in front of me wasn't what I had expected. It was better. 
Love is a many splendid thing... All you need is love.... Love is always patient and kind... you can hear a million quotes about the four letter word, but they never truly make sense until you taste it. Love is selfless. Love is patience and forgiveness. Love is sacrifice and time. Love sits by your bedside and holds your hand when you're in tears. Love comes and goes, but true love lasts forever. True love cannot be broken, because it is touched with the hand of God. Any love can turn into true love if it is between two willing and forgiving souls who allow themselves to be tried and shifted in the winds. 
I love love. I love to love fearlessly, passionately, and selflessly. From the words of Nicholas Sparks, "The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." (The Notebook) I plan to write more about love... I could probably write a book or two about it. Love is eternal, and its stories will never get boring.

xoxo RKE

Friday, December 28, 2012

Out With the Old... In With the New

For me, this winter break has been bittersweet. Mostly because my most dearly beloved TV show 'Gossip Girl' ended, and I have nothing to look forward to on the boob tube this coming year. Am I right GG mourners? FALSE. I regret to inform the web population of my new obsession; one that I promised myself I would stay far away from just in spite of it... Downton Abbey ladies and gentleman. It rivals all others with its classy language, sarcasm, wit, and sass. I absolutely LOVE Violet, Countess of Grantham and her rivalry with Mrs. Isobel Crawley. I love Mary's stubbornness and her sister Edith's obsession with her suitors. Above all, I love Robert Grantham and how he commands respect with his stern yet kind personality. I was shocked at some of the servants behavior though... I wanted to punch the lady with the bird nest hair and that Thomas fellow. Uhm, SPOILER ALERT: was anyone else dumbfounded when we found out that Thomas was gay after he kissed a visiting duke? So much tension in the Downton manor... I love it. Also, another obsession that I can look forward to is the continuation of Once Upon a Time season 2. I am in love with fairy tales, and wish I could be Regina- the evil queen for just a day. The finale of Gossip Girl came just in time; right when I decided to junk my old ways and start anew. And Downton Abbey is a perfect new obsession for this new chapter in life. And what a more perfect character to look up to than head housemaid, Anna Smith? Watch it folks... you will feel like a tasteful adult immediately.

Cast of Downton Abbey. Who says scandal is for the 21st century only?
A little girls dream: Fairy tales brought to life! 
Goodbye Upper East Siders... xoxo Gossip Girl

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A New Beginning

The start of a new year tends to bring forth many new beginnings; a new diet, a new exercise routine, and the ever-dreaded goal to complete everything on your "new & improved" goal list. Let's be honest... we all know that list is just downgraded from last year after you realized what you hoped to accomplish was out of your reach. Last years goal to get straight A's has turned into a goal to just pass all your classes so you won't have to take them again. Last years goal to lose 50 lbs has turned into a new goal of losing 10 lbs this year, and maybe stop eating so much peanut butter (confession: one day this year all I did was sit in front of the TV and eat oreos and peanut butter straight out of the jar. Needless to say, it was the best AND worst day of my life. ;-) ).
I searched through my journal to find a 'new year resolutions 2012' list of some type, but all I found were half-written songs and stories, and sad journal entries where I complained that I didn't have enough money or my dating life stank. Since I am writing this from the desk in my old room, I had the luxury to look through all my old journals that I stored in one of the big drawers hoping I'd find ANY list. I looked through 5 very stuffed and full journals until I gave up my search. I did find a very funny journal entry from Tuesday, December 28th, 2010: "Dude. Inception is a crazy movie." That was it. I am hilarious.
Maybe my knack for getting side-tracked easily is the reason I never completed a goals list. hehe ;-) My point here can be narrowed down to a question for everyone who ever had an idea, a goal, or a dream: What is stopping you from finishing what you started? Is it too hard? It should be hard! Goals are challenges for yourself that help you grow. Was your list on the back burner of your busy life where they were eventually kicked off behind the stove? Or are you like my journal full of half-written songs where you gave up after starting because you realized it took brain power?
My goal this year is to finish whatever I start. The detox I'm going on to get my health in gear- I will finish it! My goal to study my Italian homework and practice voice everyday- I will do it! Keeping a blog is hard, but I think I can do it! I will follow through with whatever goals I decide to set for myself. Now that this statement is on the internet, it's true and real and a million people will be the witness of my failure if I don't go through with my ideas, adventures, goals, and dreams.
It may not be possible to lose 150 pounds or travel the world this year (I'm sorry, the power to apparate hasn't been released to the muggle population yet)... but who says it's impossible to maintain a healthier lifestyle or go on a road trip across the country? Do something you need to do and something you want to do. Challenge yourself, don't overwhelm yourself. Be passionate, not obsessed. Be creative, yet realistic.

2013 will be:
- Invigorating
- A turn-around
- A story-teller
- A challenge I'm willing to dive head-first into
- About me
- The best year of my life

Remember the words of Zayn Malik, "There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on." 
And especially the wise fortune cookie, "Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest."

Here is a toast to new beginnings, new challenges, and a brand new start.

"Two qualities are indispensable: first, an intellect that, even in the darkest hour, retains some glimmerings of the inner light which leads to truth; and second, the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may lead."

xoxo, RKE